Vet tech Kathryn first came into contact with infant Sally while she was critically ill. She received the dog from a breeder who could no longer care for her. Sally had pneumonia and was having trouble breathing; the vet tech called her "blue."
Fortunately, Kathryn had created a "bubble" of oxygen where Sally could obtain all the oxygen she needed. As soon as she placed the dog inside the bubble, she understood that Sally needed to stay inside for a while because she was oxygen dependent. It goes without saying that the poor little puppy had breathing problems and needed to have her lungs reinforced.
For numerous days to weeks, Kathryn took care of Sally both inside and outside of her oxygen chamber. The fighting pup, however, could not afford to leave her bubble for more than a few seconds before beginning to thirst for air.
Sally demonstrated a wish to be a typical dog despite her disability. She frequently made gestures to her caregivers, like kissing the bubble's wall and looking out the window. The dog wanted to play and live a normal life, but her body wouldn't let her.
Kathryn persisted in her pursuit of the boisterous puppy.
During the pup's recovery and development, they would typically transport Sally and her bubble so that she could see things other than the four walls of her oxygen chamber. This was how things were ordinarily going until the pup started pawing at the bubble, obviously trying to get out.
She lasted maybe 15 seconds outside of her bubble.
Despite having a respiratory condition, Sally still desired to emerge from her protective shell and explore the outer world. The dog was demanding, so Kathryn made it a practice to take him on small excursions outside the bubble; it helped the dog's lungs receive some exercise. They would therefore take Sally on brief excursions outside her bubble over the following few days.
For several weeks, Kathryn would let Sally's oxygen support intervals grow longer. Without oxygen support, between 15 and 3 minutes.
They noticed that improvement as a result of their everyday exercise. It made a big difference in Sally's respiration. Her bubble needed to be altered as she grew, so Kathryn came up with a brilliant idea to expand it significantly so she could move around instead of just lying down.
One day, they made the choice to take Sally outside. She was actually outside, enjoying the sun's warmth and the grass. Her lungs couldn't support so much time outside, so they had to bring her back to her bubble. They even allowed Sally to freely enter and exit her bubble because she had made such progress since being imprisoned inside it on day one.
Then another day came, and Sally understood she no longer wanted to live in her bubble.
Sally was fine, but Kathryn decided to re-insert her inside the bubble for security. But before she could even close the door to the oxygen chamber, Sally slipped out. That day, she made it clear that she didn't want to be there anymore.
One of Kathryn's coworkers, Bonnie, stepped in to adopt the dog after she had already received the all-clear, and she was also there for Sally's rehabilitation. She was welcomed by her adoptive owners and the canine siblings right away.
Sally had her first stroll in the park, visited the pool, picked out her first toy, and many other things. She is now living her life outside in the real world and is no longer that sickly tiny puppy.
Watch the video below to discover more about this extraordinary tale.
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